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3D Health Assessment

Comprehensive 3D health consultation with extended consultation time.

  • 30 min
  • Price varies
  • Alderley Park

Service Description

A 3D health assessment is a detailed health and lifestyle assessment using state of the art 3D imaging technology that will reveal your body shape, spinal posture, body composition and metabolic needs so you can reach your goals faster. You will receive a personalised report on your total daily energy expenditure, also known as basal metabolic rate, your metabolic requirements and how you can use this to lose fat and build muscle. If we identify any health risks we will make a plan to reduce or reverse them. In addition to this we will have a look at your posture and spinal alignment to see if there is any abnormal pelvic tilt or spinal kyphosis/scoliosis. Spinal misalignment could hamper your progress, lead to injury and cause back or hip pain and we will look to eliminate these negative factors with targeted therapies. The session will be modified to meet your needs and you can choose to add blood tests, lung function tests, ECG heart recordings and intolerance tests for a comprehensive health assessment.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 48 hours in advance. This will allow someone else the opportunity to take your place. Any later and full fees will apply.

Contact Details

  • Set Points Health, Congleton Road, Alderley Park, UK

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